Sewing is a lovely hobby. It is really fun and can be very rewarding. Whether you’re hoping to make your own clothes, homeware projects, learn patchwork or quilting or you simply want to learn how to hem trousers or mend things - there’s a few things to bear in mind before you start:
First of all.. do you own a sewing machine?
If you are a total beginner and don’t yet sew but would like to learn, then I would suggest you sign up to a beginner sewing class. We host various sewing classes at Sewcialising that are worth checking out!
Next up, get your hands on a sewing machine.
Borrow one, hire a sewing machine at Sewcialising, buy one or ask a family member or friend if they have one you could borrow or buy off them perhaps. Or maybe you have one gathering dust in your loft! Get that machine out the box and get familiar with your sewing machine!
If you are new to sewing, a sewing machine may seem quite intimidating - but trust me, it’s not as scary as you may think! Sign up to a class or take the time to read the manual and get to know your machine's features. Understanding the different settings, what stitches it can do and how to thread the machine correctly is essential. You can’t ride a bike if you don’t know how to peddle but you will never learn if you don’t even try!
Fabric choice is crucial to sewing success!
All fabrics behave differently and some are a dream to sew with whilst others will get you spitting feathers! If you are a beginner, keep it simple! Practice with fabrics such as cotton, linen or canvas. These are far easier to sew with and less likely to shift or stretch as you sew. Other fabrics can be far more challenging as they may be stretchy, move around too much or have a nap. If you start off with a super challenging fabric you will quickly wish you’d never started to sew!
Buy a few essential sewing notions
As a beginner, you don’t need a fully stocked sewing box, but it’s good to start with a few basics. A sharp good quality pair of dressmaking scissors, some sewing pins and a tape measure are a great starting point. Oh and do not forget a seam ripper is a must too! Even the best seamstresses make mistakes and a seam ripper will become your best friend! As your sewing progresses over time & the more you enjoy your new craft, you can look to add more haberdashery to your sewing box. You don’t want to have all the gear and no idea to start though!
Start with Simple Projects
As tempting as it may be to jump straight into an amazing looking pattern, start with something super simple like a cushion cover or a tote bag for example. These projects will help you get familiar with your machine and build your confidence without being overwhelming. Starting a challenging complex project at the start of your sewing journey will upset you and it will be disheartening that you wasted time, effort and possibly beautiful fabric too. Leave complex projects for a later date!
Practice, practice and more practice! Most things in life require some level of practice before you become a master! Please do not be discouraged if your first few projects aren’t great or perfect. Remember to take your time to learn the basics.
The best thing you can do is get some scrap fabrics and practice sewing straight lines. This will really help you improve your skills and boost your confidence. Make or complete as many simple projects as you can in the early days of your sewing journey and before you know it you will be threading your machine in two seconds, wind a bobbin without two seconds thought and be whizzing up all sorts of wonderful projects! Just know though that once people know you can sew, your friends and family will queue up and start requesting you hem their trousers!! :)
Figure out what you will sew before you cut into your fabric
Check the fabric recommendations on your pattern, read the instructions carefully, measure yourself and your fabric at least twice before you cut into your beautiful fabric! Carefully look over the instructions and make sure you have fully understood what needs doing before jumping in. Some people make a toil before starting their project properly and using their nicer fabrics. If you have the time for this, do it. It will avoid any mistakes in your final garment.
Finally, have plenty of patience!Do not rush your project. Take your time to learn everything and enjoy the process of sewing! Always stay calm and don’t panic if you make a mistake or even break a needle.. these things happen and most things can be rectified. And if you’re tired, you can easily make mistakes, so take sufficient breaks or stop sewing if things start going wrong. Enjoy the journey and don’t be afraid to experiment and make changes along the way!